2009 is just Fine.

Welcome to the new year. The old is gone and the new has come. This is a chance to reflect on a year of life no matter who you are, no matter where you live, no matter what you do or believe. As I reflect on 2008, it has been one of the best years of my life. As I push the ripe old age of 40 soon, my life is grand. 2008 meant a lot to me and to the kkft. I can honestly say that '08 meant the most spiritual growth I have experienced personally. Learning to know God, obey Him in what He asks me to do, and loving Him more is a pattern that warms my heart and my soul, revitalizes me in a world of darkness and doubt, and pushes me through things that I could never do on my own. If you are not sure how someone grows closer to God, don't fret. I didn't know either, and I would even say to people-"I wish I could tap into the power of the Holy Spirit." Well, if you don't put into it, you're not going to get out of it. Imagine any relationship you have. If you don't spend time getting to know someone, if you don't spend time learning about them, loving them, serving them, your relationship will continue to remain at the surface level. "How's the weather?" "How are the kids?" "How is work?" I have learned that surface level relationships do not grow the kingdom of God, and don't benefit the participants in any way.

I was challenged by cay-uh to think of a spiritual goal and a personal goal for 2009. (PS-Write your own blog here on the purpose of accountability relationships) I usually do think of how I am going to live a better life for the new year-i.e. not one cigarette in 2009, even though mg is trying to weasel out of our bet. But after cay-uhs prompting, I really thought about the new goals for this year. I couldn't narrow down one thing in particular so here goes:


To grow in my relationship with God, to trust Him more, to grow my faith, to learn to depend on Him for all of my needs. To learn to grow in all things with other Christians, with non-Christians, and with my wife and family. To read the bible daily, and spend time each day listening to God and His plan for my day.


To continue to take better care of my body. To exercise regularly, to eat properly, to not eat crap all the time every day, to continue to not smoke, to take care of this temple that God has provided me for my lifetime. To utilize my career as a means of serving others instead of myself. To complete my doctorate before 2010.

2009 is just fine. Not really, but I know that God will lead me to where He wants me. I will put my hope not in things in this world, but in the Creator of this world. I wish each of you luck on your 2009 goals, that we might encourage each other and live the life that God wants us to live. Grace and Peace to you and yours.


Anonymous said…
Good goals. If you start slacking on them, I'll be sure to give you a good whack upside the head. Accountability, right? Love you!

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