Ch ch ch ch changes

If you have never read the story in Judges 7, get you a cup of coffee and a blanket (since it is 1 outside) and sit down and read it. I am feeling like Gideon more and more recently. This theme of God reducing numbers of (fill in the blank) seems to be happening in a lot of different things that I have seen happen on this journey. I have seen the kallens have to reduce their everything. I have seen pastors family reduce everything, and heck, let's just say that about everyone that has been involved in this plant. But I recall sitting in an empty apartment with kallen while he was doing a temporary job in the city last year, and him drawing correlaries between the size of Gideon's army and his finances. I see that more and more each day now in my life. Our house was just reduced $20,000 in price in order to try to sell it so that we can move this summer. And that is now about $100,000 less than what the house across the street sold for two and a half years ago. There are launch team members that may not make the move now, including children that have been a blessing to our kids throughout this process.
So here is the hoochach. Initially, we as a launch team were hoping to live close, maybe even the same building or street. Now, people that are in the city are all over, and I think that is God's plan in all this. Little cells of His presence throughout the city shining light into dark places. Not internally focused, but out there on your own without the army. It has been interesting to me to spend this last year trying to know God and obey Him. That has led me to see that I can't spend my life depending on people, but on Him. Thank you, God, for reducing my army to You.


Superstar said…
That's what it boils down army of one..THE ONE. He wants to remind us that He is all we need.

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