Back to Reality

I am not certain how people that live in the 'real world' survive. Christmas has traditions for each and every family, society, area, whatever. For the kkft, it means that I don't have to go to work for a couple of weeks. Don't get me wrong, much is accomplished during this time. I enjoyed so much spending quality time with my beautiful superstar, my loving children, and all kinds of friends and family. God has blessed me so much, it is really kind of sickening to ponder. Why do I deserve all His love?

Anywho-tomorrow is back to the real world. Thanks to all the slippies of this world that continued to work and serve my family and me over the break while we shopped, bowled, ate, drank, and were merry. Thanks to all the folks that I got to spend quality time with this break and thank you, God, for a job to go back to to start this year off right.


I keep meaning to ask, kkft?? I get kelly family time, but the first k??? Please don't tell me that you're using the first k as kwality instead of quality?
Anonymous said…
As you know you don't "deserve" any of the wonderful love HE pours out upon you. But since HE is love and HE delights in his children---then you receive the great joy of His never ending blessings.
Glad you had a fab vacation. Glad to have gotten quality time together too. Happy New year Pickel head!

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