Twenty Twelve

Here we are. The last day of 2011. (By the by, I am still in the 'twenty-eleven' camp, and tomorrow, I will be in the twenty-twelve camp). What a year this has been. Communitas is in an incredible place right now, on the edge of trusting God to lead us, and not having a pile of money in the bank can certainly lead you to more trust. The girls are healthy, have great friends and teachers. Superstar is always helping - somewhere, someone, including the kkft. I praise God for the opportunity to live in this great city and serve others. We certainly suck at times, and by no means are we even close to perfect, but when I really pay attention to God, when I tune in each morning, take time to journal, open my eyes ears heart and mind to what He wants me to see, do, experience, I am more equipped in this broken world to experience the hand of God in my life. And He seems to put Has hand in my life just when I need a boost. So next year, I have a goal for myself. Pastor writes out his goals each year, and I have started to blog mine in recent years (go ahead, look back then if you don't believe me). Last year's goals were to write in my journal each day - fail. (although drastic improvements from years past) So that is going back on the list. I wonder if I could make it to 365 days in a row? Next, date with the k girls each month - fail. But certainly again, drastic improvements from years past. Back on the list. The other four I am going to lump together - seeing what God wants me to see, seeking the counsel of godly men, seeking God's help in areas I struggle, and doing my best to pour into others before pouring into myself. These four continue to be a challenge as well - and certainly the self-serving continues to be a struggle. This year, God continues to give me the phrase "others first" in my quiet time. This is a challenge I am committing to in twenty twelve. To commit myself to living out the Jesus Creed outlined in Mark 12:29-31:
"The most important one, ansered Jesus, is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."
This is what Jesus taught us to do - a) to build our relationship with Him, the creator of the universe - through actions like love within our heart and soul (emotional and spiritual action), and with all our mind (intellect action) and with all our strength (physical action). These are not passive things that happen. You don't just happen to love someone in your life. Think about it - there are times where I don't feel the love for my wife (sorry superstar, it is true) - but I must work and act to ensure that I am not fooled into acting thus. When my children disrespect me, it is a hard action to express my love with my heart and soul, with my mind and my strength. When a 'neighbor' punches another 'neighbor' in the face, it is hard for me to express love in action to that person. But I am commanded to do so. To love them like I love myself. And believe you me, I love myself - sometimes too much. But my prayer again this year is that I continue to grow in putting others first. In serving others before myself. And so I search my bible (thanks Siri) for 'strengthen' - go ahead try it, there are so many times this phrase is used in the bible. But for me, it is Paul's letter in Ephesians 3 that is an encouragement. It is not within me to be strengthened on my own - whether it is spiritual, emotional, physical, mental. It is within the power of Christ that I am strengthened as I turn to Him to lead my steps. And I fall and praise Him in glory and magnificence.


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