The midst of trouble.

This is my life. To live. To be present in this moment. Today is my day to live. I can breathe. I can walk upright. My mind is working. (Alright, most of the time.) Although superstar sweats out our lack of budgeting, we are able to pay the rent. Put food on the table. I am gainfully employed in a job that I love to do. I have an incredibly beautiful wife, and if I do say so myself, some pretty cute kids. I enjoy living in my community, and have some great friendships in my neighborhood, in my city, even across this great country. I was reminded of the beauty of life this week when TBrown sent me a photo of their beautiful newborn baby. Just looking at that photo reminded me of the struggles of life, and the great joy that God leads us to in life. In having life to the full. John 10:10 reminds us of this: John 10:10 - 'The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.' This life always seems to lead us to the empty thoughts of death and destruction - it is hard to live this life and not be discouraged. Killing. Death. Destruction. Disease. Hate. Greed. Mean people suck as the bumper sticker reminds us. Cancer. Self - serving non humanitarian egotistical maniac fear mongering unjust evil. This place sucks if you really take the time to think about it. But Jesus warned us of this - John 16:33 - “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” I am enjoying my new purchase of Radiohead's OK Computer this week - and in one of their songs the singer is talking about aliens coming and swooping him up and the fact that he wishes this would happen so that he didn't have to experience people that are uptight. (and he repeats that word over over over) I don't ever want to be uptight. I want to experience the joy of Jesus overcoming the world. I want to live contrary to the way people who don't know that joy live. So that they might see that joy, and be attracted to the joy that flows out of me. Not because I am oblivious to the world around me. There is trouble in this world. But that the joy of Jesus might flow out of me even in the midst of trouble. Jesus lived a contrary life to the culture he lived in. People around him feared that he would change their level of comfort. Their security. In giving our lives to Jesus, we should engage in the fact that we will have trouble. That life - if you are really following Jesus - is not going to be easy. It is counter-culture revolutionary living. And this week, I was very encouraged last night as we met in our apartment with others that are engaged in seeking that Jesus. In experiencing a community where it is ok to ask questions. To share in the troubles of life, and to share in the joys designed for us in the midst of those troubles. Counter-intutitive concept. But one I want to grasp. Hold onto. Seek. In all I do. In the way I live. In the way others see me live. Counter culture. Unbelieveable joy in the midst of trouble. Sorrow in the hurt of others. A Jesus creed to live by. A new prayer each day - The Lord is One. To love and serve the Lord God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your strength, with all your soul. And to love others above yourself. That is the true commandment. A Jesus Creed to live by each day. Help me today Lord to love the people that are hard to love in a way I never imagined.


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