Leagues Under the Sea.

I am relatively new to the blogosphere as far as I know. It's been a few years, but not really fully understanding the complexity and accessibility of the world we live in, I am kind of blown away by something I knew was approaching and now has passed. I have a 'sitemeter' on my blog. I don't know if anyone can access the data that is linked to it or not (please feel free to let me know), but there is a lot of information that comes out of it, some that is beyond my level of understanding. But it tracks how many people visit, where they are at, how they click in, how they click out, average time on the site, etc. etc. etc. blahblahblahblah. This week marks over 20,000 visits to MSD. I know a lot of those visits are actually me, but it really blows me away that that many poeple have come to read, to hear, to grow?
One of the features on the sitemeter is to look at visitors by World Map. I find it hard to believe that people in Europe or the Middle East have a desire to read about mustard seeds, but they are clicking in. God used that image today to help me understand the magnitude of our potential for impact in this world today. Not just by blogging, of course, but by what we do. What we say. What we experience. What we share with others. How we live. What our struggles are. What we celebrate. Why we cry. Why we rejoice in the coming of our Lord. Why we praise His works. So welcome to the 20,000 mark of MSD. I pray that it might be a tool that God uses to help others see with His eyes. Hear with His ears. And spread more light on the world map.


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