Inexplicable Love.

Easter time. A time to realize just what Jesus came to earth for - to die. For each one of us. This is something that I believe to be true. The world around me does not always support this idea, but I have spent the time in my life looking at the reality of it, and I believe it to be true. This weekend once again, communitasnyc had a Good Friday service, and a Sonrise service in Central Park. During both events, I looked around and prayed for those in attendance. Some I know very well. Some I am getting to know better. Some I don't know at all. But as I prayed for the people that were there, I had an overwhelming sense of just how much I love the people that God has brought into my life. My heart nearly explodes with emotion as I think about people that I am engaged with on a daily basis. Some of the people I am talking about have some tendencies that make me crazy. Some just simply aggravate me (sorry, but it is the truth). But as I prayed for people this weekend, I felt a love for them like I never felt before. I realized just how much I love them. And God pointed out to me that this is the love He has for me. His heart explodes with emotion for me, for the others in my life, and for you - yes you. This is a love that is not easily explained. How can you describe this kind of love to someone that has suffered greatly? Someone that was shorted this kind of love as a child? Someone that the world has rejected? Someone that our society doesn't value as worthy or meaningful? I need to demonstrate this much love not only for the people that I am engaged with regularly, but with everyone I come in contact with. Help me Jesus to demonstrate this inexplicable love.


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