Shuffling off....and back to the bkly.

In my new role this year, I am going to be travelling quite a bit more than I used to. I (so far) can only see one single solitary drawback. I am not with all my girls. I am thankful that superstar is an independent woman that actually enjoys being independent of her man, and that she is good with me not being there. But this morning livvy came and sat next to me on the loveseat in the spare room to wake up, and that is definitely not something I can do in another town.
But I am so thankful for what I get to do. The next few months, there is much hard work to be done. I continue to ask God to lead me in what I need to see, what I need to do, and what I need to say. This is a new(er) approach to my work, as I know I used to ask God to help me, but only generally and subsequently to what I thought I should do and how. Now, the work is indeed more challenging, and so I must depend on Him more because I need Him to lead me.
This week, in our communitas daily study, the focus is 'daily dependence on God'. I am renewed in His Word each day, and so much enjoy spending time reading scriptures and seeing how God will teach me something new. This has become part of my daily life, and even when it is hard to get up earlier (especially after working to 11pm on school stuff - ug!), I am better prepared to live my day following Jesus. It seems like this is a no brainer, but for so many years I thought I was 'being a Christian', but never realized just how stupid that is to think you can just follow Jesus without reading the bible, and spending time trying to hear what God has in store for you.
So today I earnestly asked God to put me where He wants me this fall, not just where I would like to be. That is hard to do, but not when I know His plan is better than my own. At noon today, I have a meeting to work out my schedule for fall. My prayer is that God will lead my steps and my travels to better serve others before serving myself. I suppose now that I wrote that, I actually mean it, and hope to live it out. :)


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