Emotions overwhelm.

I am so fortunate to have my job, and work for such an incredible company. What we do for children is truly an honorable thing, and the joy it brings to my heart is overwhelming. Hearing from parents this morning, seeing children celebrated, and knowing that 500 new teachers will have a wide variety of impacts on so many children across the country was a bit overwhelming to my spirit. Why is it that I get so emotional about that? The only thing I can put together is that God created me to help provide those opportunities for parents, children, teachers, and any other stakeholders. It brings me great joy to know that there is an impact to what we do together. Our CEO sends a monthly email to all employees, and at the end of the email that we received this morning he said: "I believe in you." I read that line, and tears came to my eyes. It did not feel like an impersonal statement. I felt like he was in the room saying it to me, and it was powerful. I sense that God is trying to tell me the same thing through my emotions about what we do, and it is somewhat baffling to me that I get to be a part of something so important and potentially life altering. It makes me want to work even harder at what I do. So I commit myself once again to being the absolute best I can be at my work, and to honor God with the skills and abilities He has given me to conduct this work. I praise Him for my job, for the people I get to work with, and the beauty of each child that enters one of our schools each day this school year.


K said…
same thoughts exactly, when I read the "I believe in you" I had to look away from the e-mail, like he was talking right to me and I couldn't take it! I was glad to be alone in the office that moment, cuz I blubbered.

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