I am ever thankful that I have such wonderful in laws from the top of the list to the bottom. Of course the list would be alphabetical to show no favoritism because I love them all equally no matter what. But if I'm allowed to just for a moment place an asterisk next to some of the names on the list, today the asterisks go to the panks. You see, moving away from Michigan's thumb, we left quite a fertile place to grow vegetables and get hand picked deliveries if we so desired, would find a box of said vegetables on our porch or in our garage at random times, or be asked if we wanted to take anything 'out of the garden' before we left church road. Today, a box arrived at our apartment which contained a slice of the bountiful harvest normally acquired from church road. And joy is in my heart. Because today I will eat corn for dinner. And I will savor it in my mouth as long as I can. You might think you've had sweet corn before that is good, perhaps even great. But if you have not had corn, you have not had the best. That's right, jerky, I said the BEST! If you don't believe me, then prove otherwise. Send your corn to our apartment, I will test it, and then I will have to deliver the sad news that your corn doesn't meet up with the flavor and deliciousness of Thanks to the panks for making today a special day for the KKFT. I'm off to shuck it up right now. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.


I haven't been keeping up on my blog reading. I just peeked in today and saw this wonderful post. We are thrilled that your spcial delivery arrived in a timely eatable manner.
We know you thought of us loving you; as you had butter running down your chin and kernals stuck to your teeth. YUMMY.
Pickel Head

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