The A train.

We are all on a train. Some go to nice stations that are clean. Some stop at very dirty places, and we choose to get off. Some of our trains are air conditioned. Some smell like vomit. We choose the train we ride, becasue that is what the creator allows us to do. The trains go from here to there and don't ever stop running. We choose to stay on a train, or we choose to get off. We know the routes, and what the destination is. Sometimes we get to choose who we ride the train with, sometimes, we don't. Sometimes we choose to get on a train with the wrong people heading in the wrong direction. Sometimes we don't know we're headed in the wrong direction until we get stuck in a tunnel somewhere we don't want to be and then don't even know how long we will have to wait to get to the next station and get off. But on that train, whatever train we are on, we have full discretion to continue riding, to stop at the messy or wise stops, to transfer to the right line, to swipe our unlimited ride card in the station, to go through the turnstile to the right line, or we choose not to. The map is in our heart, and we know it, well, by heart. We know the right line to take, we know the destination. What train we choose to take to that destination is our own doing. Others may stand on the platform and cheer us on, and smile and wave as we enter the turnstile we need to enter. We need to listen to those people. We need to stand up for the others on our train. Sometimes we need to stop at the messy stations and help others to get on the right line, to feed them, to clothe them, to care for them and show them grace. Sometimes we need to stop, go up to the street level and see the world that we live in, accept the adventure that awaits us in this neighborhood or that. Today, we must stop at the right station, and see the people around us that we should put before our own desires, and care for them deeply. We must swipe our cards and enter the right train to the right destination. And we must ride with the full intention of justice and mercy, and take care of the poor and the widows.
Stand clear of the closing doors, please.


Anonymous said…
you could write a tract to pass out on the train for others to read about the life train. cool.
Superstar said…
Sometimes you end up on the vomit train, stuck in a tunnel, with complete uncertainty of whether the train will reach the destination you thought it would. And although all your planning and decisions seem to be for nothing, there can still be hope in your heart. Because the trains are only on this side of heaven.

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