Superstar is the Love of my Life.

14 years of marriage today. I love my superstar more than I love life itself. I would take bullets for her. I would chew nails. God has graced me with a beautiful woman that desires the way God wants us to live. She challenges me on what I need challenging on. She loves me even more than I thought someone could love me. She is the most incredible mother to our children. She is a servant because she loves people the way God loves people. She is more beautiful than I deserve. When I get to hold her in my arms, I know it is something special. When I see her face, I am blown away by the beauty of God. I could stare at her face all day long and be completely content. Before dating, I knew I loved her and wanted to marry her. I can still recall vividly January 3rd, 1993 our first date at FGF's. Sitting at the bar with smiles and laughter. She placed her hand on my knee, and I knew things would never be the same. And they are not. I am in love more today than I have ever been. The desires of my heart are for her happiness and her love. 14 more, and we'll be at 28. Each day brings me joy beyond my comprehension, and my heart continues to grow for her love. Can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her.


Craig Mayes said…
Amazing expression of what God intended when he introduced the first man and woman to each other. Happy anniversary!
I knew you would have wonderful flow of words on this wonderful day.
Happy anniversary Bro.
Pickel Head
Anonymous said…
You guys are very lucky, bless you both. Liz

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