So Much To Tell, Part Deaux

It has been somewhat busy as of late, especially coming off of a week of mid-winter break. Just catching up at school after being off is a task. But there is much to tell about.

-Allison will complete her interviews for middle schools next week for two middle schools she would like to be at. Both have performing arts curriculum possibilities, which I think Alli really has a talent for, and I know that God has given her some very creative abilities. So pray that God will open the doors He wants for her, and close the doors where He doesn't want her. I know she is a great kid, and I am ever so proud of her almost ALL the time, and because of who she is I think she will be successful wherever she goes. But I also know how important it is for young adolescents to grow in a community that loves and supports them, where they can explore and learn about themselves and the world, and I just pray that God would lead her through all of that.

-I will have another meeting with the school board of my potential school for next year on Monday night. This will be the third meeting, and it will be with the entire board in Manhattan at 6pm. Through this whole process, I am not really clear on why it is taking this long to make a decision, but the more I see and hear, I think that it is not about me so much as it is the process that is in question. Either way I look at it, I do feel that I am learning more and more to trust in Him with everything, whether the road is smooth and paved with new pavement, or if it is uphill with potholes and crevices that I can't see bottom on. But pray for Monday night to be the last round of this process, and for the board to decide that night.

-Superstar and I went to joe's pub in Manhattan on Wednesday night to see our absolute favorite band "The Verve Pipe", and it was by far the best night I've had in nyc. Grabbing the train with superstar into the city, tasty beer and dinner in a nice small club, and (read highlight) listening to the Verve Pipe in stellar form rock that joint including old school songs was incredible. It is amazing to me just how much music has been a part of my life, of superstar and my life, and how much we enjoy that together. It is hard to believe that we have been listening to their music for 18 years or more....and we got to say hello to the band members after and talk with them. Special shout out here to Megs for watching our girls and having so much fun with them while we were at the show-how special that our girls get to have her spend time being crazy!

-Another snow day today as I sit in the 'extra room' in nyc. Apparently, we are in the middle of a 'snowicane' which is like a hurricane, but snow instead of rain. We already have at least a foot on the ground, and it is supposed to keep snowing today and tomorrow. What a great way to start the weekend by going back to sleep instead of getting up at 5:30, and enjoying coffee, reading the bible at home instead of the car, and seeing the beautiful piles of white on the tree branches.

-I continue to be amazed at how powerful it is to read the bible on a daily basis. I can't imagine (well, yes I can, and it is NOT good) what it would be like to try to follow Jesus without the bible in my hand, my head, and my heart. There is a direct correlation between time I spend in the word and my actions in real life. No bible = no direction. I have been reading a book of Psalms (today the 26), Proverbs, a bit of Corinthians from the study book, and now John. All is God-breathed and useful to grow in Christ, but the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) are books that I find myself needing to read regularly. Reading the words of Jesus and things that He said while here truly seem to help me keep my heart on track. If you are not reading your bible each day, you really are trying to swim upstream against the current and you're losing the battle. So get it out, read on, and help all of us to shine light in this dark world that is so broken and hurt that our only hope is to shine a bit of light from our place where we are.


Anonymous said…
Snow Day!!! Yesssss. I had so much fun at that concert, I'm still smiling after 3 days. Music feels as essential as air, water, food and shelter to me! Sharing with you is on a spiritual level. Superstar

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