Bliss Reunited

Thirteen years of bliss. That's what I get for today. I love my superstar more than words can describe. Thanks to my brother and sister in law, the superstar and I got to spend our evening out last night in the city. Walking along, we just happened to walk next to four of our friends from communitas....
But we had a lovely evening. I love my superstar. That's all. For thirteen years I have loved her more and more and more. Today more than ever. Tomorrow more than today. Year fourteen will prove that my love for her can grow stronger. Love. Her. Mucho.


Happy 13th. We get to celebrate our 24th, and our 1st in NYC next week. Life is good!
Anonymous said…
Isn't God so faithful to grand the desires of our hearts as we follow Him. Thanks for the link. Pickel Head

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