Entry 251-Training Now Complete

The journey from R town to NYC has been long, and I dare say the most fruitful journey I have ever been involved in. Saturday, I ran an 'official' 5k for the Blue Water Hospice. I was sponsored by some fantastic co-workers to run the race. I didn't start the pavement on fire with my level of speed, but I did finish without walking in 34:06. If you read my post about doing the 5k on the treadmill, I have improved my time by more than two minutes since then.
But I must tell you that the entire experience was a spiritual one. As we started the race, I ran among many people. All taking their own pace and approach to the race. All (I think) working to accomplish something, perhaps a goal that they set long ago, perhaps a goal they set that morning. But as my vision lost focus on the heads 'bouncing' around me, and as I clearly felt God confirming my efforts over the last (nearly) two years, I felt like he was saying to me-ok. Now your training is complete. Now run the race that I have set before you. Run it at your pace. But keep your eyes on the prize-ME. That is what you are going to get if you run this race FOR ME. And as I ran along the beautiful blue river with the sun shining on us with a blue sky, I clearly felt like God was saying: "It's time. Let's run the race. Your training is complete."
If you look at the picture, you see my superstar. She cheered me at the end to push myself, and quite frankly, I was in no place to push at that point. But it means so much to me to have her by my side as I run the race. Her beauty. Her joy. Her encouragement as I try to become the man God wants me to be. What an honor to be on this journey with my own superstar at my side. Even as I ran the race, I felt the spiritual connection between us on this journey. I understand more each day how God gave me so much grace and love by choosing her to be my wife. And so, we run our race. Together. Loving each other. Even in absence of one another. We grow in our triangle getting closer to God, and at the same time closer to each other.

A week from today, we will pack the truck. A week from tomorrow, the new race begins in the greatest city in the world. I can't wait to read the next chapter of this incredible story that only Jesus could write, and only the Holy Spirit could guide. I will trust in Him all the days of my life, and I will hope in the coming of the Lord. Entry 251-Training Now Complete.


Anonymous said…
You DA Man.
Love the comparison with "the" race.
thanks for your prayer for Josiah at his Barakah.
Love ya man.

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