Bittersweet Last of This and Last of That

This morning, as I sat at Mariner Park in Detroit, I knew it was the last time that I would spend my quiet time there as an employee at DMA. The last year has been so very cool for me, and the culminating activity was attending the 8th grade graduation last night after flying back to the D. The ceremony was in a church in the D, and as I sat there and watched and listened, it was very cool to pray for the 'class of 2009' hoping fro greatness in each of their lives.

But this week also brought a lot of 'lasts' to T$'s world. The last night staying in a hotel in Brooklyn. The last trip to and from being a non-resident. The last trip to the D as a person that is stationed in the D. The last time driving down 94. The last time of this and the last time of that. It still doesn't seem like Monday we will move in to our new home in WT. Perhaps it doesn't seem like it because I know in the back of my head that the kkft won't all be there full time truly until August. It is a bittersweet feeling to know that we're leaving. It is SO exciting to head to Brooklyn. It is also hard-not sure what word to use here, hard doesn't cover it. It will be difficult to not be able to see friends and family at our leisure. It is sad a bit. It is difficult. It is challenging. But it is bittersweet. Good and hard and sad and excitcing.

This will be the 'last' weekend of living in Michigan. I am about to change my profile to reflect my NY status. The 'big 3' will come to fruition come monday afternoon. Communitas people will be there to help us unload Monday evening. From one incredible community to another. I long for God to reveal to me the amount of things He has revealed to me over the last two years in the next two years. I pray for the lasts of this week to be fantastic. And for all the 'new things' to bless the kkft forever.


Morgan's Mom said…
Best of Luck in the move and enjoy the summer with your family and friends. "Last" seems so final think of it as the foundation of your future destination or maybe that is to many words.
You and yours are blessed!!

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