Unlimited Possibilities

Well, December's blogiversary came and went, and it was the first year in many that I didn't actually post on it.  Matter of fact, I posted that I was going to work to be better at posting, and I didn't.  But in my quiet time and prayer, I realized how much blogging actually helped me over the last few years to grow in maturity and in my relationship with God.  So one of my new year's resolutions this year is to commit to blogging more regularly so that I can spend that time processing life and what is happening around my world.  The last year and half back in MI has been challenging.  Once again taking all that is normal, tipping that cart over and starting afresh.  New home.  New neighbors.  New job role.  New things to learn.  I spent probably at least the first year just trying to keep my head above water to be honest.  Waves of life crashing onto my shore, sometimes feeling like hurricane force.  I mostly just tried to stay on the shore that is Jesus, and not get sucked out into the world.  Not easy in suburbia in my opinion.  But I did learn some things about prayer - I spend almost two hours in the car each day.  And I spent a LOT of time praying, at first I would listen to NPR and pray later.  Now I am honestly at the point where I don't even care to listen to the news/radio/etc., I just want to spend that time praying or listening to the bible on my app.  That has helped so much in centering my world.  I praise Him for the time He has poured into me - the days I didn't even want to get out of bed, face the problems of this work, or deal with others that may not care or value the things I feel important or best to move forward. But once again, I find myself (and superstar and I find our family) unsure of what this year holds.  Unsure of what God has in store for our family, for my work, for our home where we try so hard to live 360.  But I am certain that He has us covered.  That He is trustworthy beyond what I could ever blog about.  That no matter what happens, where we are, what I do, He is holding my right hand and leading me to His gracious goodness in all things.  As I sit and ponder the next 365 days, I am certain there are unlimited possibilities that the KKFT shall face.  And I am certain of this - I desire to spend more time with Him on a daily, weekly, monthly, annual basis.  Which leads me to more hopes for this year - I am going to work to tap these unlimited possibilities by working to be more intentional in the time I spend with Him.  In the word.  Unplugging from work.  Listening for direction in my life and our family.  Seeking more of His will in all areas of my life.  Who wouldn't want unlimited possibilities?


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