Re-Create my Re-Creation.

2015 is going to be more as I previously posted.  I am working on the once a week posting, and I just couldn't dial a few things in to post about.  But here I am.  In working through some things in our huddle, I have known for well over a year now that my current position has put our family out of whack as far as rhythm of life, and have not felt comfort in my spirit about how that plays out in the day to day.  Driving an hour to work and an hour back on top of a rigorous schedule does not allow a lot of time to 're-create' in the way God desires.  But one of the things I have really been pushing into is answering the question: "What re-creates me?"  And I mean this in the spiritual sense.  God created the world in six days, and I would say this type of work seems a bit more complex than what any of us human idiots do in a week.  But then God rested, and further commanded all of us to rest on the sabbath.  Our society does not value the sabbath, but expects us to be involved, do this, serve that, provide this, multitask these things.  What we should be doing is what God commanded us - RESTING.  And doing so in Him.  His will.  His spirit.  This is where we can all find the peace we can't even understand - and what human idiot doesn't want more peace in their life?  So here is a list of re-creating events that fill me up, grow my spirit and my ability to put others first, to grow in who God wants me to become:

  • Quiet Time - simply spending time in the word,  praying, hearing from God.  This is best if I do it first thing in the morning because if I don't, the world interrupts what I could be hearing in this time
  • Journal Writing -writing out my thoughts and prayers in my journal, pouring out my heart to God, recording successes and failures in my walk and life events
  • Creating - Time in the Art Studio.  Brooklyn Ears playlist creating.  Playing the guitar.  Painting. Building things.  Redoing furniture.  Taking a vision through into reality.
  • One on One Time - Time with my superstar.  With each girl.  Close friends.  Mentees. Family members.  Men I am doing life with.  Other Christians.
  • Running - I think of the physical transformation that God has done with this body, what an incredible thing! Time running is spiritual in listening to music, praying for others, and seeing the beauty of the world we live in whilst on a run
  • Learning/Exploring - Whether going to school for degrees, reading books, teaching, exploring new places or cities, travel, food, art exploration
  • Music - Somehow music connects me to Jesus and not just christian music - lyrics from songs, a good beat, it fills my soul in ways other things do not
  • Serving - even the most mundane of tasks such as laundry (reminds me I should be starting a load now), cooking, cleaning, serving with others, and serving less fortunate/marginalized always brings me joy
  • Hospitality - Most people would not see or understand that I am an introvert because I am socially well adjusted, but need alone time to recharge.  However, I do love hosting with the superstar, and this is an opportunity to serve that fills me, especially when it is pleasing to the star
My current job does not leave enough margin to do all of these things that fill my spirit, that allow me to rest SO THAT I can be effective, well equipped, and healthy when I approach the work God has set before me.  I see that God has something new to change all of this.  And with that, I am working on daily, weekly, monthly, and annually looking more closely at periods of rest and re-creation so that I can fully engage with my girls, neighbors, friends, those I work with, and be MORE of what God wants me to be in my walk.  What re-creates you?


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