The end of the path.

Trust.  What a big word that is.  Only five letters,  but such a big word.  This week, I was able to spend some time with my new peeps and get to know them a bit.  I was also able to spend a big chunk of time reflecting on life, my current employment status, and my relationship with God.  I was able to take a run each day, and pictured here is a photo of a path I took during a couple days of running.  I felt like God reminded me that 'this is the path I have for you'.  It has been several years of transition moving from MI to NYC, and the path has always been interesting.  Communitasnyc has been a tremendous piece of this journey, and I pondered that as I ran along this path.  If it weren't for joining the communitas journey, I would not be where I am today in my trust with God.  Each layer of the onion I peel in my trust, He reveals to me just what He is able to do in my life.  I don't get rewarded with the lottery (although I still have hopes and dreams that are truly rediculous), I don't get the dream job (or I get it, and it is taken from me), I don't get the fancy car, the vacation in the Hamptons, or fill in the blank.  What I get is a revelation of the heart and mind that is beyond what I ever imagined.  I am on this path.  It is good.  But being on this path sucks sometimes.  And the question is - in the suck moments - will I indeed trust Him?  With all?  That is hard to do.  And I reflected on how thankful I am to have this job I have, and to have learned the things I have learned over the last four plus years - I have truly had some incredible learning opportunities.  But the last day, as I ran this path, I neared the end of the path where it meets the sidewalk and a bridge.  And I felt like the Holy Spirit said "this is the end of the path".  I honestly have no idea what that truly means.  But perhaps it is the end of this part of my employment journey.  But whatever happens on the other side of this 'bridge' in my life, I am going to do my best - especially in the suck moments - to trust.  More. 


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