Transformational T$

In the past, you may have read things on MSD where I make correlations between my exercise and my body, and exercising my spirtual self and God. (Spoiler alert) This is one of those kinds of posts. I mentioned earlier this month that a NYR was to read my bible and journal each day, and yes, I am still on track with that goal. I don't think I mentioned, however, the other NYR I set for myself - to run 10 miles. If you have known me for a few years, and haven't spoken to me or hung around me in the last few years, that might even make you chuckle. "Yeah, right. T$? 10 miles? HA!" seems like a possible reaction. Especially if you take a look at the former 'Fat T$' pic in this post (as the pastor likes to call me in these older photos).
But Saturday I ran 10.38 miles in 2:02. I know, not a blazing pace, but that is ok, I have learned that I am a slow runner. More of a jogger really that a runner. But I was proud of myself for accomplishing a 2012 goal before January was up. Now I may re up the goal and try to do a 10 mile run each month this year. We shall see. But I digress to the protein portion of this meal. My physical self has been transformed because I have committed to putting the work into that transformation. And believe me, at about mile 8 Saturday, my knees and feet were not convinced going to 10 was such a good idea. But I pressed on - just as Paul says in Phillippians 3:
Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
See, just over four years ago, I smoked, didn't exercise, and actually used to criticise my superstar for such efforts. But I felt God nudging me - to care for this temple he has given me to use here on earth. And so I have pressed into that, and forgotten what was behind, and strain ahead. And I am thankful for the connection I can make between this transformation physically to the spiritual transformation I have experienced in the last 5 years or so. I can't post a picture to demonstrate it. People that don't know me then and now probably would not be able to see that transformation. Heck, let's be real - people that have known me then and now might not be able to see the transformation. And it isn't something that can be shown, written about (at least eloquent enough to capture the essence of just how gigantic this transformation really is), or communicated with justification on what really has taken place and continues to take place each day. But I know it. I understand it. And God continues to remind me of it. I am transformed in Christ Jesus. My scales of shame and dirt and sin fall off in His Glory. And as I listened to a message from Tim Keller this week on the "Triune God" (thanks pastor), I understood a bit more how the love of God is what I am experiencing in that transformation. That His love is what changes me. And so I will continue to pray and ask that God will continue to transform my stupid pitiful humanness into whatever His desire is. And I will continue to be amazed on that reality of love. Love.


Dear Pickel Head. You are an inspiration of mass magnitude. You have given much insight and wisdom to me and my boys over the transformation era. Keep those legs moving. Keep that heart expanding. And Always know we are cheering you on.
Love you forever!

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