Order the Combo Meal

I am doing pretty well with one of my NYR goals this year - to read my bible and journal every day of twenty twelve. I know, you're thinking - 'hey that's great T$, but we're not even two weeks in'. I know. Humility. But I am excited as I press into the word each day and spend time engaging with God, and hopefully hearing things that I need to hear to grow in our relationship, and grow in understanding what I am on this earth to do each day. Trust has been a regular theme that continues to evolve in my conversations with God, and certainly in this time, I need to continue to trust Him more with more of my life. It is greatly rewarding personally to let all of the anxiety of life go, and allow Him to give me the peace Paul describes in Phillipians 4:7:
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
But we are looking at HOPE at communitasnyc as of late, and I had somewhat of a revelation this morning in my quiet time. Hope is something that is anticipated in the future, a feeling that things will turn out well down the road. I have hope, for example, that one day I will be with God forever. (Such a small sentence that means so much)That is something that I look forward to. But - (dramatic pause. cue the movie music. show graphic of sunrise.) in order to have that hope for the future, for what is to come, I must demonstrate trust in the present, that is NOW. This is the conduit with which I have hope, in the trust I have now. But - (dramatic pause, music, scene) in order to trust in Him now, I must remember the past. I have to remind myself of what God has done for me in the past, and we are all idiots in that we SO EASILY FORGET what God has done for us. I am reading the old testament as of late, and I read these stories and think "YOU IDIOTS! DON'T YOU REMEMBER WHAT GOD HAS DONE FOR YOU? PARTING A SEA? MANNA? HELLO!!!" And then, depression sets in.... Why you ask? Because I am just as stupid as the Israelites. I forget about the Red Sea moments in my life where God saved me with wreckless abandon. I forget about how delicious the manna is that He fed me at times I needed to be sustained. And so, we must look back at things in the past - not to perseverate on them, but to remember things God has done for us - so that we can trust Him more in this moment, today, which leads us to the hope He desires us to experience for the future. Brilliant.


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