Open the Closed World.

The temperature here in BKLY (caught up in my eye) has been over 50 for a few days in a row now. What a reminder of how much the outdoors mean to us (me?)in our daily lives. I have been able to step out onto our terrace (lanai? deck? platform? what other names do you have for it?) without shoes or a coat and enjoy the air of our neighborhood without fear of frostbite or snow piling onto me. As I stepped out yesterday, I was instantly reminded of the quiet moments I have had with God on our ________, and instantly couldn't wait for the weather to be warm enough to do it each day. The sun is not quite up when I leave for school in the morning, but it certainly is getting more and more light each morning.

And with the time change coming, I know it will be quiet eastern sunrises to greet me each morning very soon. And I can't wait to enjoy them. And dinner on the terrace for the kkft. The girls even did their homework out there yesterday. And thanks to the Gonzkelly outing for the girls to skate for hours last night, and an evening to share with superstar. Of course we got thai food, don't be rediculous. And a quiet walk through the hood with my superstar - what glory there is in a warmer climate, even in the evenings.

And I am reminded to open my eyes and ears and enjoy each moment that God provides me. To enjoy a simple walk. A simple meal. A simple step onto the _________. A simple excitement from two young girls that experienced joy with friends for an evening. A simple sunrise to start your day. A simple trip into the city to follow Jesus tonight, and see what He has in store for the kkft. :)


Anonymous said…
A simple postpone-ment of a simple meeting :)
We could call it our outdoor space or patio. I don't know the exact definition of each one, but terrace seems to fit best.
In NY, it may be considered an extra room. Maybe a sunroom?

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