Nearing closer?

After much work in attempting to acquire a full time job in NYC, I finally did obtain a position with my current company. It seems to me to be a perfect fit for all involved. But I am still awaiting yet another meeting with the school board that will happen this Tuesday night at 6pm. I have met with a couple of groups from the board, but this Tuesday, I am told that they will once again 'reinterview' me with the entire board. The purpose of the meeting is for the board to decide yeah or nay for me as the principal of the school in question. I am thinking that I started this job search in October of 2007. Yes, indeed, superstar just confirmed that for me. After many interviews, phone calls, visits, exams, moving forward in the process emails, no thank you letters, etc., I did obtain my current position, and that was after 10 months of pursuit. After about 7 months or so working in the D, I was back and forth helping another principal with opening her school. And 3 months later, moving our family to Brooklyn. Now, after having served in my current role aiding the opening of a charter school in Brooklyn, I will go to this meeting with the board in hopes that this is indeed God's plan for my life.
If they give the green light on Tuesday, and one of the board members said they will not leave the building without a decision, there will be much work to do. MUCH WORK TO DO. All very exciting indeed. So pray that God will open the door if that is what He wants for us. And pray that my work will be light, even though there is much to do. Is it nearing? Will it be so this week? After 2 years and five months, will it be so? We will wait and hope in the Lord.


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