Look at Jesus

This post is something I debated on putting up-here's why. I don't post this to honk my own horn. I don't post this to say "look at me". I post this to say "look at Jesus". If you have read this blog from the beginning, or you have had personal contact with me over the last year and a half, you know that God has transformed me -much like Saul. He persecuted, executed, and chastised Christians. I didn't go that far, but I certainly was not following Jesus. Then, one beautiful day in summer, I felt God nudging me, and I listened. I risked my own comfort, acceptance from others, and quite frankly, my own sanity. I have tried to live each day since then listening to God's guidance through the Holy Spirit, which by the by, will happen if you seek Him and take the time to be still and know that He is God. Here is an unexpected email I recieved from sick pete-and God has blessed me with the words below:

You know, I had no idea what I was getting into when we started thisjourney. Do you remember when we first started meeting, and we'd talkabout the trials God puts us through to build our character and pullus closer to Him? I had no idea what that meant. No idea whatperseverance and endurance was. No idea what it meant to be God's man.It's been like one of those weird pieces of art at the mall that lookslike gibberish, but after you stare at it long enough becomes a 3-dpicture. All the time it's right in front of you, but until you haveeyes to see you are blind to it. That's what you've been like to me.All along you've been showing me the 3-d picture - not just words -but real live examples of getting closer to God and focusing on Him.Once I figured out how jealous I was (am?) Of you for that and put itaside - that's when it became clear what you've been showing me.Remember last summer when it seemed like there was no time left to geta job? Hiring season was over and back to R-town you were going? Butall summer you chased after God relentlessly, sure you had somequestions and were confused by it all, but you never gave up hope, youpersevered in Christ. I admire you for that, and for your willingnessto pay attention and adjust your life to what God is doing. For theHUGE changes you've made in your life - stop smoking, stopmasturbating your mouth, getting in shape - all those things you'vedone because you've needed to. You've done the right thing at everystep. Now, they seem like small things, but then they were a big deal.And I have no doubt now that when trials do come, when your faith istested and temptation arises to follow what seems like the way becauseaccording to the world it's in your best interest - you'll do theright thng by seeking Jesus and His will. When you face those giantsand overcome them through your faith and obedience, they too will seemsmall.I haven't been able to figure out what role you played in my life, butnow it's clear that you've been discipling me (and I was a bit haughtyfor thinking it the other way around.). You, my brother, have had morepositive impact on my life than any man I've ever known (Jesus beingGod and all.) You've been like the older brother I never wanted butalways needed. In so many ways you've been a Godsend.So, my brother, as you begin a couple long and stressful weeks, I hopethat you take comfort knowing that your faith, your relentless focuson the only thing that matters - Jesus and His righteousness - hasbeen an example that I can only hope to follow. I am grateful thatyou've been in my life.And that's all there is to say about that.33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all thesethings will be given to you as well.
PS - your name is no longer T$ money is of this world and no longerfits who you are. From now on you are T-Rock, because you are the kindof guy Jesus builds his Church on. Not with money (and the power thatit so often represents) that is here today and gone tomorrow like thewind., but on a strong foundation that withstands the storm. That iswho you are.


Anonymous said…
I got tear over here. How true! great words given from one great man to another. Love you Pickel Head.
I love both of you guys, T$ (T-Rock) and Sick Pete. How awesome for Pete to share that with you. It gives me hope.

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