Exciting, yet Excrutiating

Tomorrow I will board a plane for my first official trip to NYC in my new role for the 09/10 school year. This week, I was told by recruiter lady what my salary will be in my new position. God continues to bless the kkft in this journey as we try each day to trust His plan more, and our plan less. This salary will allow us to be contributors to communitas, and provide our family with at least what we feel will be a good quality of life living in the city somewhere. It is exciting to board a plane and make my way to my new home, if only for a few days. It is exciting to be on a journey to the city God has called me to, and it is exciting to think of the days ahead, the opportunities to serve His purpose, the interactions with other humans and represent Jesus in a city that is broken and underserved in many ways according to God's plan.

It is also excrutiating to try to ascertain the steps to get there. What to sell, what to keep, when to go, what to say, who to ask, what to move, what to give away. Did I mention where to live, what school if any for the girls, what building, what amenities, what to give up, what to keep as a priority. I pray for strength and wisdom and knowledge for the star and I as we move down the path to Jesus. Pray for the kkft to see the light and know what steps to take, what things to hold dear, and what things God is calling us to let go.


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