People Care About You.

This is a message that came to me today as I walked up the flights and flights of stairs. At the school, I am located on the 4th floor. I never use the elevator, I always walk the stairs (although it was challenging today after so dang many squats in my workout yesterday), and as of late, I have been 'running' the stairs. Not the andrews way of running as if I were practicing for the run up the empire state building, but quickly taking each step instead of the slow walk. But I digress.
The teachers gave me a gift card to starbucks, complete with my new middle name/nickname that 'blast off' gave me. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Starbucks. Joy overwhelms me in the fact that a - they know me; b - the card said 'thank you for keepin' it REAL'; c - people get you gifts because they are thankful (i.e. - I am making a difference); and d - I get to enjoy starbucks.

But that's not even what this post is about. If I had a ritalin salt lick today, I might just sit next to it all day. Last night I got a call from el kittens, and it was exactly what I needed to hear - it was encouraging, non-threatening, yet at the same time pushed my thinking and challenged me on a few things that I needed to be challenged on. Although I was physically and emotionally exhausted (thanks @rocknthemike and superstar for still loving me), I knew when I hung up the phone that I need to be focused on doing the right thing, and doing it the right way. Today I had the confidence to say the things I needed to say in love and let the words work, not my emotions. If I hadn't gotten the call from el kittens, and if I didn't know that she cares about me, I would not have had the courage to do what I needed to do today, and say what I needed to say today. People care about me. And that is the difference between living life to the full, and sitting in your comfortable bubble.

Correlations galore: Jesus cares about me. (Oh yeah, and about you too) And if I know that Jesus cares about me, I 'can do all things through Him', 'nothing is impossible', and 'He will strengthen me'. Today I praise Him for opening my eyes, and allowing the scales to fall off (AGAIN. CAPITAL DUH) so that I might have a glimpse into what love is and how to experience His love anew. Thanks el kittens.


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