Listen to Me, I'm talking.

It is sometimes a challenge to listen to the world around you. Why? Because you are focused on your selfish little world. Yesterday, I took some time to just sit and listen to God while I was on the train, and leading up to a planning meeting I attended. God really just spoke to me, and it seems simple. Sit down. Shut up. Listen. Those are very simple simon easy weasy. And yet, we idiots - I mean humans - don't take the time to do that.
Here are the questions that I heard:

Where is your treasure?
Where is your heart?
Do they match?
What are you looking at?
What do you see?
Who is your master?
Where is your worry?
How can you be made salty again? What do you need to accomplish that?
Do others see your light shining?

Tough questions to listen to. Even tougher answers to wrestle with. So today, I strive to figure out the answers to these questions. And my selfish broken human condition continues to get in the way of my answers and my thinking. Last week, I had a vision. Not sure if it was an actual Godly vision or not. But I did see myself cast in stone - my entire body surrounded by a coating of stone. And I had a hammer. And I wasn't sure if I wanted to break the stone or not. But God broke it with His hammer. And the me without stone surrounding his whole body walked on. I feel like I am in a place right now where I am pushing through some difficult challenging issues in my life. And for some reason, the stone continues to surround me, even if I grab the hammer and smash the stone. It reappears around me. Sometimes I don't want to break it. Sometimes I smash it to bits and smash and smash and destroy it and break it apart and weep because I am so involved in breaking the stone. And I go on with my life and realize the stone is still there.


Brandon said…
God is the only one who can break the stone; no matter how hard you try to lead your life, God always knows the right way and we may try and fail, but if we follow Him and allow Him to guide our lives He will show us the path and the way and easily break the stone around us we have struggled and toiled so hard to crack.

Great message Timm, thank you for posting it

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