The length of our days.

Today brings much joy in that after school today, we are officially on Christmas break. It has been a challenging fall as you may well know. But God continues to strengthen me. It is amazing that we are 'so dull' as Jesus asked his disciples while they actually lived with him in community and proximity and experienced his humility in person leading up to his ultimate sacrifice: "Are you so dull?" "Do you still not understand?" When I spend time reading the Word, when I ask God for forgiveness, when I ask the Holy Spirit to guide my steps, the light shines on my path. It opens my eyes to the path I should go down as opposed to the path I want to go down. Just as it says in Acts 14:

'...strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith. "We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God," they said."

It is hard to go down the well lit path. It is counter cultural - just like Jesus' teaching in His day. It is antidisestablishmentarianism at its finest. (Yes, the longest word in English. BLAM. That just happened in my blog.) But I ask God to continue to light my path, and keep me from going down the dark trails I have spent time on in the past. Because (Psalm 90):

"The length of our days is seventy years - or eighty, if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away."

As Christmas is upon me this year, I reflect on the fact that my mommy flew away this year. One would think that this would be a sentence that brings sadness to mind, but yet, I am strengthened that she now is in heaven with her maker. She no longer has to experience the trouble and sorrow, the hardships. Jesus came so that this would happen - the world would see the sacrifice and respond to their maker. Thank you God for loving us so much I pray that the length of your days is many, and that you have the strength to enjoy each day as it quickly passes. And that this Christmas, you will experience the complete joy of knowing that Jesus came, was born in human flesh, lived among us, suffered and died so that our sins would be forgiven, and rose again to give us all new life that lasts eternal.


Superstar said…
Am SO enjoying celebrating this season with you!
T$..I just discovered your blog and I am loving it! Thanks for speaking so openly and honestly about your faith and belief in our AWESOME Savior, JESUS CHRIST! What a way to evangelize! Happy Holidays.

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