Humility Unleashed

Humility is, in my opinion, one of the hardest things to live out and demonstrate in your daily life. It means you make yourself nothing. You lower yourself to a position where every single other person in the world is more important than you. It is so hard for me to be humble and to live out humility. But here's the rub. It's not hard for me with people that demonstrate gratitude. It's not hard for me with people that are appreciative, or thank you for your humility. It's hard for me when people are completely oblivious to you providing an act of humility for them. Which is really quite stupid on my part. Because humility doesn't mean that the other person(s) notices or is thankful. When Jesus was nailed to the cross and took my afflictions and my sin upon himself (by the by, he took yours and everyone else's as well), he wasn't ticked off with me that I didn't appreciate it. He still loved me and sought me out. That's where my current struggle lies, is if someone lives out humility to serve me - I am encouraged and immediately want to serve them in some capacity. So why do I get so angry with people that appear to be so unintelligent (liv doesn't like when I call people stupid) and expect things to be provided for them?


Superstar said…
ohhhh, THAT is a tuffy. Hope I always show how much I appreciate you serving me!!!!

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