Do you understand?

One of the last questions that Jesus asked his disciples while he was still here on earth was right after Jesus washed their feet. He asked them 'Do you understand what I have done for you?' This question was past tense, present tense, and future tense all wrapped into a puzzle surrounded by an enigma. Today, I grapple with the fact that what Jesus did for me is really unbelievable. He came to lower himself as creator of the universe and serve me so that I could live in relationship with the God that loves us. Of course I don't understand that because it is indescribable. I imagine myself empathizing with the disciples because at the time, they didn't really know what Jesus was trying to teach them. And even now, knowing what Jesus did, it is hard for me to truly comprehend what He did for me. But I am thankful. I am full of praise for Jesus washing my feet for me - metaphorically speaking - by washing my sin. By taking my sin upon his shoulders on the cross. For loving all of us so much that he was willing to die. I may not completely understand that today, but I can tell you, I do understand the amount of love it took for him to serve us in this way. Praise and glory to Him.


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