Welcome To My Life

I have NOT wanted to write this post.  I have avoided it, started writing the title, and stopped.  Put it on my to do list.  Played games on my phone instead of doing what I know I should.  This is a pattern that is hard to avoid for me.  When I don't have a strong desire to accomplish a task, it usually falls to the bottom of my to do list.  Or gets copied on to a new to do list because it is the only thing left to do on that list.  Seems foolish, no?  However, not starting this post isn't really about the desire, it's about me pushing into the reality of this broken world we live in.  As a leader for several years now, I have valued the people I get to work with, come alongside, challenge and encourage, you know the drill.  I am currently reading Trillion Dollar Coach - and it is reminding me of the beliefs I hold. If you are familiar with PCM, you know that is my persister channel punching through the wall.  The book has a heading in it early in the book:  It's about the people.  A few years ago, I was laid off from my principal position (one where I helped re-open an elementary school as a STEAM school in a poverty ridden unsuccessful district) where in the time frame of 6 months the superintendent did not get her contract renewed, an interim superintendent came in to lead without any urban experience, and I was told in February that the school would close at the end of the year and I would be laid off - despite the fact that we grew in enrollment, parents and students were well pleased, and we partnered with a local church that was pouring love on our school.  But I digress.  While I was laid off, I wasn't really sure if I should stay in public education.  In conversations with my Superstar, she pointed out the deep relationships I had developed with the people I worked with that continue to be the same after 20+ years from each district/building I worked in.  It's always been about the people is what I told her.  And I am thankful that God has given me guidance, correction, and encouragement in serving those I am able to lead.  

Over the last few months at her work, my Superstar has told me different things about an incredible gentleman on her team.  We shall call him Lil.  One thing is very true about this man - you know he is filled with love when he looks you in the eye.  His smile warms your heart, a room, humanity.  Unfortunately, he continues to decline with some memory issues, confusion, don't know if it is dementia medically, but his decline is accelerating.  He is a loving husband, father, grandfather.  He had a grandchild tragically pass last year, and I'm not sure if that has an effect.  But it is about the people.  This man who served relentlessly, loved those that didn't get love, poured into his community and engaged with so many on their journey.  And those positive things he brought to world are fading.  They held a 'retirement' gathering at work to celebrate all these things.  The room was SRO.  People talked about what Lil has meant, what he is to them, his story unfolding.  A young african american man (Lil is a whitey) that is doing an internship described it like this:
"I was trying to figure out where I was supposed to be.  I walked in the building and there was Lil - looking at me in the eye.  Into my spirit.  Into me as a person.  And he wasn't saying 'welcome to this place' with his eyes, he was saying to me "Welcome To My Life".  Tears roll down my face.  I desire for others to say this type of thing about me.  Today. Tomorrow.  When I am gone.  Pray for Lil, his family, the gap that is open because he is not fully who he used to be.  For peace in his spirit when he can't remember where he parked the car.  For those around him to be patient, for strangers to help him.

As I read Trillion Dollar Coach, I hope that leaders in all kinds of organizations would start with the PEOPLE that are in front of them.  Yes, we are created for work.  To do great things.  To create.  To contribute to a goal, a team, a community.  We are created to be in community - in work and in life.  As leaders, let's all commit to pouring resources into taking great care of our people.  This doesn't mean soft - this means looking at someone in the eye and without words saying: "Welcome To My Life".


Unknown said…
What a beautiful depiction of a life with impact Timm - and may all of us as leaders remember that what each of us brings to the world matters.

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