Where are you?

Here I am.  This is the kind of faith I seek.  Reading the story of Abraham various times in my life, I am always blown away by by the faith Abraham displays.  Years before he was able to have children.  Finally does.  And he follows God's directions on his life, and takes his own son out to a remote place he knows God wants him to go, and actually ties his son up to burn him as an offering of sacrifice to the God he loves and serves.  His own son!  And when God speaks to him, all he says is "Here I am."  He even raises the knife, completely prepared to sacrifice his son as God directed him.  And God says in that last moment - No.   Now I know you are committed.  I believe that you trust me.  And the intricacies of the things that God weaves together in Abraham's life, and those that are engaged in life  with him in this sacrificial living to trust God - moving where God directs, doing what God asks, putting God's will before his own or before the will of his family, friends, or neighbors.  Here I am.  I want people to say that about me - he was willing to sacrifice anything - all - even the lives of those he loved the most - just to follow Jesus.  Lord, help me to grow toward that end.  Here I am.  


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