Long Time No Blog

Hard to believe it has been over a month with no posting for me. I have had so many thoughts of 'oh, I need to blog that', or 'that is a blog post', or what eVAR. Truth be told, I have been lazy about it. I know, I know. Hard to believe. A lot has passed since then. I traveled 5 of 6 weeks in April/May, and that probably has a lot to do with no posting. Just didn't have the energy, and the time I did have I wanted to spend with the kkft or I knew that God was pushing me to engage with people - not myself. A lot going on: 1) I have a new supervisor, and our company is ramping up leadership development. This is a good thing in my eyes, and I have a lot of respect for our new boss. Also means that the Aussie and I are still on the same team - thank you God for a gift of another year working together. Also have another person joining our team - and she is awesome as well. I find it quite interesting that everyone on our new team is a Jesus follower. I wonder what God has in store for this team? 2) I love my wife so much, it is rediculous. I mean fo real doe. She is so beyond what I deserve. She is an incredible mother. She loves me in spite of my stupidity. She encourages me to become more like what God has in store for my life. Did I mention she is HOT? Just sayin. Superstar. 3) Pastor is now the executive director at a major mission in the city. I feel that this is something God provided at exactly the right time, and I am excited to see what great things come out of this. 4) Sprained my knee at the beginning of May - BAD. Limped for 10 days or so. Couldn't run. (Maybe that's why I haven't blogged? Running is typically a time for me to engage with God, pray, seek clarity and knowledge, etc.) It is about 95% or so now, got the MRI last night, Doctor thinks it was just a sprain. But when all that came down, I was REALLY worried about it. What if I can't run anymore? How am I going to get excercise? What will I do? I pray that God keeps me healthy and that I am able to keep running/excercising until the day I die. I mean that. It has become such a big part of my life, something I enjoy doing, something I need to keep balance. I praise God for putting health on my heart and leading me to taking care of this temple He has given me to use here on earth. (That never would have happened without #2 above) 5) Summer schedule is nearly upon us. Parts of me, honestly, are so thankful for that. Other parts, not so much. I am not complaining - but for me personally, July has been a time for the last four years where 'normal' goes out the window. We have stayed mostly at my dad's in July - which I absolutely love. But there is something about being 'home' - and Julys mean that home is a suitcase. I am SO looking forward to the pool, laps on the track, fire as the sun sets over the water tower, family, friends, Cedar Point. Don't get me wrong, life is good that we can do this. But part of me (my heart?) struggles with leaving communitas for a month, leaving our neighborhood, and not engaging in this life for a while. 6) One big thing that hit me last month was 'level of comfort'. As I spent time travelling, I had a bit of driving to do. Lawns. Barns. Yards. Three car garages. Suburbia via the parking lot. Americana in a restaurant choice. Saving for retirement. And the like. Part of me has a desire to seek out a certain level of comfort. Is it because that is what we grew up in? To seek a comfortable lifestyle? And it was almost as if I had to snap myself out of that mindset. To remind myself that Jesus doesn't call us to seek a level of comfort. "In this world, you will have trouble." He doesn't say: "In this world, you will have comfort." And my mind and my spirit have been wrestling with that thought a lot lately. Help me Lord, to be comfortable in this moment, in what you want for me today. Amen.


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