Hole in my heart.

I am currently reading a book "Hole in our Gospel" by Richard Stearns. It certainly is a challenge to work through - I am truly open to learning what God wants me to learn through this text. I started it on my way to India, and it has sat for weeks. Part of me wants to just not work and read it to the end. Another part, to put it back on the shelf. I feel I have some things in common with Stearns. One thing being this - I would not be the man I am today if it weren't for my wife, my superstar. I would not have spent years pushing into what it really means to follow Jesus. And I am thankful for this gift from God. She is beautiful. Did I mention steaming hot? She is a woman of God. She self admittedly has her faults that God continues to refine. But she is open to His teaching, and I learn from her each week. I praise God for her. Amen. Back to the book. This is one thing I have learned from the book - check that - was reminded of by the book. I already knew it. I have a dream of providing support, training, and technology tools to teachers in remote areas across the world. I want to start a non-profit and travel the world doing just that. Anyone have 15 million to get me started? Alright then. One million? If so, please let me know so we can get started. But instead of doing that, I will do another thing that I am learning or reminded of through the Hole - the answer to a question. What am I here to do? To love, serve, and obey Him. That's it. That's what I am here to do. I need to remind myself of that each day. Am I demonstrating love to all those I come in contact with? Even when they hurt me with their words? Even when they treat others with dishonor and harm them? Yes. Because that is what Jesus has done for me. Loved me in spite of myself. To serve them? All of them? Yes. Serve with a loving heart. Even when they are not thankful, or perhaps even realize they are being served. Still loving them as God's creations. And to obey Him. Obey. That is hard, especially when I know what to do and don't do it. John says that we can only obey once we know and love Him. So I am recommitting to know Him and love Him. So that I might better obey. Help me Lord to know, love, and obey you in all I do each day.


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