Tuned in and turned up.

Today marks the first day I have fasted in quite some time. It is a discipline that I have learned truly humbles you with our Creator. We take food for granted each day. I know that I almost always pause before eating and thank God for the food, but even with that moment of thanks I take the food for granted. But when you go without food, you have no choice but to be humble. To be without energy, without the ability to conquer this world. And so I come before God today with a triple threat request.

Yesterday, Superstar was offered a job. She wasn't looking for it. She hadn't applied for it. We were thankful being here in nyc that she is able to stay at home and organize our lives, pour into our girls, and do all the things that we take for granted. This position would be serving families and parents in a local school. Is this God's plan for her? For our family? For the people she would be serving? We don't know. And so we ask God to guide us in this major decision. We know he will guide us:

John 16:13

“But when He, the Spirit of Truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; He will speak only what He hears, and He will tell you what is yet to come.”

I also pray today for bk and his wife. They have felt that perhaps God is calling them to do 'a new thing'. But they also are unsure of the truth, and what that call might mean for them as individuals, as a couple, and as a new family. So I lift them up to God and pray that He would give them discernment.

Further, I pray for cah-uhs who also are in a place where they are not sure if God is calling them to 'a new thing'. That God would give them wisdom in their search for His plan on their lives.

And so all three of our families are trying to tune in, and turn up the voice of God in our walk. All three of our families desire to follow Jesus, and nor our selfish desires. Not the things we want to do. But what Jesus is calling us to do with our lives. If that means something different, if that means a new place to live, if that means more time to give to each other, then we ask Jesus to make those things clear to us. And we are hopeful in the truth that Jesus trusts us to live out the light and shine on others around us. We ask for guidance and discernment.


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