Generational Curse

I came to the vivid realization of generational sin this morning on my way in to work. Of course, listening to Danny Cox's music on the way places me in a realm where my spirit is engaged with 'the mind of christ' on a much deeper level than when I'm not listening to it. And the vividness I experienced was the fact that Jesus came here in human form as God in man. Further, that he bore all the sin of the world so that we might have life. I've heard people and the bible speak of 'your cross to carry' in the past, but I realized the brevity of the cross we all carry, which is nothing in comparison to the cross Jesus carried for us. ALL THE SIN. HE BORE IT. So that WE MIGHT LIVE. All the sin He didn't even commit, he took it on, faced death, and rose from the dead. And I realized just how much our individual choices hinder the next generation. Sexual sin. Divorce. Abuse of our resources. Speaking falsities. Gossip. Think of the reality of our sin, and how it brings down the world around us. Multiply that by your lifetime, and how that affects the next generation of children that we are to 'train up in the ways of the lord'. Multiply that by every man's lifetime since the beginning of time, and multiply that by the sin of every man's lifetime in the future. And that is what Christ bore so we might live freely. Unbelieveable. Love is the solution for sin. So when the guy cuts me off on the road, I should love him. Like Jesus loved me. Without fail. Without prejudice. Without an explanation. Love eternal.

And this is what we celebrate this week-the birth of Christ. Not what tree you have, not what presents are under the tree, not what who got you, not jingle bell rock. The birth of the savior, Jesus Christ. God in man form. For us. The undeserved. Love eternal.


Morgan's Mom said…
Well said T$. I hope I can raise my daughter to appreciate Jesus for the gifts He gave to us and not so much by the amount of presents under the tree.

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