To Work or Not to Work - That is the Question

Well, my superstar is in a new city doing new things, and along those lines, she was offered a job doing a new thing. Oh, you say to yourself: "Self, she was looking for a job then, right?" And I say 'no'. She wasn't looking for a job. And she was offered one. So we move to the east coast, and superstar feels like God continues to tell her 'be available'. For what? Not sure, but God continues to reveal new things for both her and our family each day.
But this is quite a decision for our family. We have really felt blessed to be able to have the star be a CHO-Cheif Home Officer for the kkft. Her availability and pouring into our girls and our home has had an incredible impact on all of our lives. So now we think that God may be changing that mindset. The position is one that would be a family liaison/parent coordinator at a local middle school. Let's see-the position would entail a supporter of public education, holds family values at a high level, cares about creating a positive community, engages community members and groups into the school community, reaches out to serve the community, helps to organize and coordinate many groups of people to a common purpose......know anyone that might work for?
And so, we pray that God would lead us. We know this will change things for our family. If this offer had come while we still lived in mi, would we have been open? Not sure. But we do know that God does incredible things with people when they are open to His guidance. As I sat on 2nd Ave and 35th St last night with pastor, and shared in the absolutely incredible honor it is to be in this city following Jesus, and seeing that impact on people's lives, pastor and I laughed out loud and heartily talking about 'what makes sense' or what is 'logical'. Because logical and following Jesus do not equate in this world's eye.


Anonymous said…
Can't wait to see howGod leads you. This is a win win situation!

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