Taking a Break

It is important to keep the sabbath as God commands us. I don't think that I have really been doing that lately. What, with the work week crazy as it is this time of year, after school activities, meetings, etc....then you add in Friday night get togethers, Sunday meetings..blah blah. I have not taken many days the last two months to just take a break. So I did this weekend. Went with the sick family up north. Beautiful place. Ironic that we went up with the sick family and liv had the croup, and alli sat inside for a day and a half with a fever and was not well at all. So now we are having our memorial day break, and it is nice to do just that, take a break.

By the by. Kallen and I have been emailing each other back and forth. What an incredible blessing that has been to me. He told me I had to listen to Tim Keller's message from last year "The timing of Jesus". You can download it from Redeemer here. Tim Keller is hands down the greatest sermon giver I have ever heard in my life, so you should at leaast check out something by him, you will not be sorry. So what are you doing sitting there? Go!


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