Struggles Abound

So I finally think I have it all figured out in my quest to follow Jesus. I read my bible daily. I take quiet time to listen to God to try to hear what He has planned for me. I give to Him my career, my marriage, my children, my home. One would think that doing those things would lead you to feel closer to God. However, I am struggling again this week to try to live in a world of selfish desires and people that don't seem to care about others more than themselves. Why is it a struggle to not be quick to anger? Why is it a struggle to get past the pain and anguish of watching others plot and work for themselves? Why is it difficult to not want to smack stupid people in the face and hopefully knock some sense into them? Or is it all just an attack on my thinking and being because I am trying to follow Jesus?

I can tell you that I love my wife. I love my children. I love Jesus, and my communitas brothers and sisters. This much I know to be true. But even putting that in the forefront of my mind, praying more, listening to worship music at work to try to gain control and semblance to my day don't seem to clear the fog completely. I trust that God is doing a new thing in me, and somehow this will help me down the road.

Doesn't make the struggle easy, though.


Superstar said…
Sure wish I could take the struggles away. I could give you some encouraging words, but you've heard them all before. You know them all. But, the truth is. . . some times it just sucks. It is so hard to be in the world, and not of the world. Through these struggles, God is teaching us to lean on him, and He is molding us into stronger people. Just imagine your "huge pectoral muscles" after all of this strength training.

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