Jankees vs. Mets

So last week at the Tiger game, superstar and I were discussing living in nyc. Yankees or Mets is a big decision as far as new yorkers are concerned. So I ask superstar who she will support-without any delay: "Oh, certainly the Yankees." "Fine", I say, "then I'll be the Mets fan." So there you go. Now we have one less thing to figure out in our journey to NYC.


Morgan's Mom said…
Yankees have way cutier uniforms, and eye candy!!! Derek Jeter should be a lollipop! did I just say that?
Superstar said…
I'm all about the cute factor. I already have a cute yankees hat. A friend was selling it in his garage sale, so I snagged it! Perhaps my allegiance to the team should run deeper, but for now, cute is enough. That, along with the fact that it's more fun to say Jankees than boring old mets.

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