
I was to hear from nlns yesterday, and that didn't happen. But Monday cdubs says something about having tickets for the Tigers, and that she is thinking about selling them. "I'm in." So she even says she'll watch the girls so I can take superstar to the game. Honestly, I can't tell you off the top of my head the last date night we had. Much needed for the both of us. There are a few things that are great about last night:
1) I love my wife more today than I EVAR have
2) Cdubs rocks
3) We watched the best Tigers game I've evar been to (sidenote-I think we should all start spelling ever E-V-A-R like sick pete and pronounce it EV-AAAAARRRRRRRR)
4) Superstar and I can't wait to live in the big city
5) Superstar is committed to being the Yankees fan in the family
6) I am committed to being the Mets fan in the family
7) When we live in NYC, we are going to go to at least two baseball games a year-just spending that much time together was awesome, who cares about the game
8) BB needs to find a team that doesn't suck so bad
9) Superstar should not eat that many chips in one day
10) I really like tequila

Those are just a few things, but you get the gist. All week, I have been desiring to know about the job, the house, etc, but this really spoke to me this morning as I sat and read my bible and took some time to "Be still and know that I am the Lord." (Psalms 46:10)-

2 Peter 3:7-9
"But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."


Superstar said…
I definately love my husband more deeply than evaaarr. We had a blast. cdubs rules. And, as for attending the baseball games in NY. . . if we are too poor, we may have to settle for hanging outside of the stadium so we can still smell the beer and hot dogs and hear the roar of the crowd. It's all good.

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