No for New Leaders

I thought that maybe this was the position God had laid out for me in NYC, but I got my rejection letter in the mail on Saturday. So superstar brings the envelope to me in the garage as I am cleaning it for liv's bday bash today. I open it....thank you but no thank you...blah blah....form no. I'm fine with it, but I thought maybe this was it so that we could start doing things to move....
But it is not. I know that God has a better plan, and I am going to trust in him. Doesn't mean it is easy to get the no letter. But from the beginning I have asked God to open the doors HE wants open for me, and close the doors he wants closed. I know he doesn't want to bring my family and I harm so I will trust in Him...
ANYWHO-Superstar and I read the letter, and then on the radio, the DJ says "Here's the new tune from the Wombats-Moving to New York" We look at each other, look at the radio, look at each other. Start laughing. God must have known to put that song on the radio for us. If you want to hear some of the comedy-you can listen to a little bit of the song at:
then click on their music player. The song starts out talking about having a crazy week, something something, Christmas coming early, whatever. Just funny. So we're moving to New York. I just don't know when, where, or what we'll do for an income. Just another crazy week...


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