Friendships and MORE

I have to keep coming back to this, you know that. Family is in this post also, as if I should have to say it. But I am going to miss my friends. I have had different friends over the years, but some continue to stick. Berman, wooster, and the like. New ones like cdubs and mg and bb. Of course, the donald. Sick Pete. Steiner. My neighbors Ray and Steve-O. MC Roomie and the Graham Cracker. Downtown Kbrown and woodsie. So many to list here, but I don't have all day!! I am going to miss them a LOT. It makes my heart crinkle. (Of course sick pete will be there, but he's like my new brother that doesn't count) Speaking of family, I haven't even put them down here. I enjoyed dinner with mattsy last week, my godson's daddy. I told him he'll have to fly out with the boy if he wants to have dinner.

Anyway. I will miss all of them. I look to the future and wonder who will be my new found friends that I don't even know yet? God knows, and He doesn't need a plan to accomplish that.


K said…
I found this on the Metrodad blog I read once in a while, I thought you might like it (ps I can't wait to try some!):

What are some of the best things about living in New York?
-Hapa Mama

Picnics in Central Park. Taking the subway to work. The energy, the feel, and the pulse. Off-Broadway shows. The architecture. Biking on the west side promenade. Walking across the Brooklyn Bridge. Skateboarding in Union Square. Sailing in Battery Park. The rooftop bar at the Met, the basement bar at La Esquina, and the outdoor bar at The Boathouse. Having at least six different local newspapers. Having a nail saloon, a 24-hour deli, and a shoeshine store on every block. Having food, cigarettes, and magazines delivered to your door at 3:00 am. The duck shumai at Dim Sum Go-Go. Guss' Pickles on Orchard Street. Pastrami from Katz's deli. Impassioned neighbors. Clashing cultures. An unyielding spirit.

The list could go on forever.

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