
#l2011 It is hard for me to believe that I haven't blogged in a couple of weeks - time is pumping for me recently. I can't even wrap my head around the fact that a week from today is Thanksgiving. The last month has really just gotten away from me in a big way. I have been traveling a bit for work this month, and I'm not done yet, as I will be in MI for the holiday, then more training of principals and some work out of the office there. But a few days this month I did get to attend Learning 2011 , which was certainly the most interesting conference I have been to in my life. Elliot really knows how to put on a shindig that encourages learning and development. It certainly didn't suck that it was in Orlando, and 80 degrees in November does not suck. This conference really made me think deeply about some work. I don't know if I blogged about it, but I have had a sense that God has been preparing me to do something different. This year certainly can fit into the different category - and I have been enjoying this year of my career I think more than any other. I really think the main reason I can say that is that I have tried my absolute hardest to release my work to Him and at times, know that I don't have a clue how to accomplish some of the tasks before me - and so I need to lean on Him more. And that has given me a peace and comfort I don't think i can put into words. The conference was about learning. About learning about learning. And I came to a realization (as I laid in the hammock under palm trees surrounded by white sand) that learning is at my core. Being in the field of education, one might say to this revelation: "No sh**, T$." But it was a new revelation to me in so many ways. I love to learn. I love even more being involved in leading others to their own learning (in which the process helps me to learn more about learning about learning about learning). It is something that God has hardwired me to enjoy so much. And then I spent some time after leaving the beauty of palm trees and white sand reflecting on the last few years in our move to BKLY. I had no choice but to spend all of my days and nights, work, play and weekends learning. A new way of life. A new job (times at least 3, maybe more this year), a new city, a new culture, a new way for our family to experience life. A new way of doing everything. But drilling deeper, in my spiritual life I have pressed into the learning that I never took the time to do before feeling this call. Now I could shoot off my toes one at a time on the days I don't start with reading the bible, journaling, and taking time to "be still, and know that I am God" as Psalm 46:10 tells us to do. And I learn more every time I engage in those activities. And today, as I ran 5.88 miles in the park (yeah booyah - turkey trot here I come)I realized that Jesus came to teach - his focus was others' learning. He spent his life coming alongside others and tried to teach them how to live. I am NOT saying that is what I am doing, but I saw the correlations of helping others learn. What a cool thing to think that Jesus is still with me every day - that the Holy Spirit is with me to teach me - so I can learn about learning about learning. And I sensed that Jesus was telling me he is with me -always. That is pretty darn cool if you ask me. And then I spent some time reflecting on just what I have recently learned about learning about learning. A lot. I keep learning more each day I open my eyes and ears to growing in my position at work. I learn so much when I stop and tell myself - I don't have a clue what this is/how to do this/what we need to do/where to go from here - that is when I learn the most. And the same can be said when I open my heart, mind, soul, and strength to the Holy Spirit to guide me - that is when I learn the most. So thanks Elliot for opening my mind to learning about learning about learning. #l2011


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