Are you stalking me?

As often happens to me, I had somewhat of a revelation as I ran this week. Perhaps it was a result of experiencing two major cataclysmic events in NYC in one week - one being the 5.9 earthquake that happened where our building shook tremendously, and felt quite different than most things we have experienced here - the other being Hurricane Irene which forced us indoors, and fortunately we were not in an evacuation zone like many friends. (It seems almost illogical that I am blogging about those two events even happening here in BKLY - is this apocolyptical? MMMM. Probably not.) So as I ran I felt like God was asking me : "Are you stalking Jesus?" As I pondered that challenge, I ran through the concept of being a stalker. Obsession. Almost illogical in nature. Going after something you probably don't really understand. Trying to obtain something that isn't really obtainable. Yet you have a drive and a passion to pursue it, even in secret, even when others don't know about it. So I thought to myself - am I really stalking Jesus? Am I obsessed with the pursuit of trying to be close to Him? Am I spending time (in public and in private) trying to get a glimpse of Him? Do I go to His house and hide in the bushes waiting to catch a glimpse? Do I spend my days and nights trying to get pictures of Him? Does my day revolve around Him and trying to get near? The answers are -mmmm. Probably not. (again) So my question is this - what would it look like if all of us Christians were Jesus stalkers? Would that attract others to become Jesus stalkers? So if you see me in the bushes of your church, or your neighborhood, or the park, don't worry. I'm just stalking Jesus.


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