Talk about 360

Many of you know that I have been a part of starting a music venue with some great people over the last year.  This process and project has certainly taught me a lot about a lot.  There are many things I have learned about myself, about others, and about opening a new business - with or without knowledge about the business world.  I enjoyed the people, the process, and the learnings.  But there was a part of me - in my subconscious that was not feeling peace at a point where I was really questioning myself.  Was I afraid?  Was there really a lack of peace?  Did it not make sense, or was I just trying to grab the reigns of life?  So many questions about the project.  The hard part is, I have made some incredible friendships with some incredible people through this, and that made it even harder to push into the space of having a lack of peace.  But I did it - I pushed into my question in my head and my heart - is this what I should be doing right now?  Where did I seek answers you ask?  I asked God daily to reveal to me if this lack of peace was something that I was creating, or if it was from Him.  I asked God to show me where He wanted me to be, what He wanted me to be doing, and if this lack of peace was real or something I had created.  Every moment I sought His truth brought anxiety and questions - which led me to not feel at peace.  I sought counsel from Godly men and women.  I looked for answers in the bible, in the world around me, and in my heart or my spirit.  I felt led to apply for a manual labor job I saw in the weekly advertisements at a golf course.  I felt complete peace about pursuing that.  I applied, got the job, and made almost nothing to work seven days a week raking, shoveling, using a blower, did I mention shoveling?  All the while feeling complete peace about withdrawing from the project - and I knew that peace was from Him.  And that assured me that I was following what He wanted.  Stepping out of education months ago led me to believe that that chapter of my life had been written, closed, finished.  It felt good to not be the one responsible for everything, to shovel, to watch the sun rise, to be physically spent each day.  I often thought of our ancestors living off the land and how much work that is to be physical seven days a week.  I also thought of my father, my father in law, and so many friends and relatives that have spent their life in manual labor - what respect I have for these men and women.  But I kept sensing that I needed to be in a place where I was 'coaching' others.  Where I was giving my time and talents to help others grow into who God has created them to be - and I pursued knowledge and wisdom to that end.  I prayed fervently - God - show me what you have for me.  Show me what you want me to do. Show me where.  Lead me to your incredible plan for me - plans to prosper me and not to harm me.  Show me what you want me to see - tell me what you want me to hear.
And my beautiful O comes home and says they are hiring a Spanish teacher at our HS - which by the by I taught at 15 years ago.  I taught Spanish there.  I loved every day of it.  I had incredible friends there in this incredible school with these incredible kids.  Fast forward.  This is day three of me returning to the same office, the same wing, the same job I had 15 years ago.  After many cities, people, jobs, travels.  All the time I hope I was gaining wisdom and knowledge.  Talk about 360 (yeah, that's my address) - here I am back where I started.  What an honor to be a teacher to these incredible kids, and what joy they bring me, what joy this work brings me.  If you seek a pleasant place, look about you.   God is there.  He is weeping when you weep - he is crying tears of joy when you laugh, and He is in your classroom when you return 15 years later.  I can't wait to talk about 360 the next time He reveals His love mercy and grace to me.  Gracias a Dios.


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