Still there....

Yup. Still sick. Tired. Sleeping a lot. Not so much feeling too bad, but walking from the couch to the sink is WORK. Maybe tomorrow it will be better.

I thank God today for my health. We take so much for granted that He gives us each day. SO MUCH. I need to discipline myself to recognize the little things he gives us each day. Sunshine. Plants. Animals. Warm breezes. Snowfalls. Green grass. The ability to breath and not hear your lungs struggle. Thank you God for all the things that we take for granted each day. Help us to recognize and appreciate them every day we are alive.


Sonyia said…
And just think, NYC has MORE sunshine than Michigan!
Anonymous said…
What gives? Are you on some big dose of cough syrup? You sound like a hippy......JUST kidding pickel head. I am glad you are seeing things to be thankful for. Sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy. And having the abiity to read your thoughts makes me smile.
So cough up that phlem and get a move on.

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