Pelham 1,2,3

Why is it that we get 'off track'? I mean, we know what we need to do. We know how to do it. But we don't. I know that when I read my bible daily and take time to "Be still and know that I am God." (Psalms 46:10), my days go better. My awareness of God's plan is clearly evident in normal daily conversations. My senses are heightened in what I need to do.

And then, depression set in. Just kidding, but when you get off track, you need a kick in the pants to get back on. Thank you to Pastor for setting up our breakfast meeting today, asking me the right questions, holding me accountable. It's just exciting to talk about the what if's for communitas if everyone actually lives it. I need my copy of my covenant back so I can live it. Funny how as you get older you have to write things down or they don't happen. So I'm writing it down-

Pray daily, read the bible, listen to God. There. Now it has to happen, right?


Sonyia said…
Slacker! You should model yourself after someone like me who does all of those things faithfully everyday. Just kidding! Remember, we aren't perfect and that's why we get to start over everyday with God's grace and forgiveness.
Anonymous said…
So are you saying you need a horse bit to keep pulling you in the right direction? Or are you stating the obvious to remind yourself that life is not always lived on the mountain top, but we go through the valley; that is why the mountain top is as glorious as we think it is because we have seen the low levels and want to fly high like the eagles. I agree with you we need a memorial marker to keep telling ourself to stay on track. Keep it up Read, Pray, Listen~~~tmp

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