Serving in Detroit

So today we went as a family to 2nd and Selden in Detroit to serve people in that neighborhood. I met two people that struck my heart. I met others, but these two will stay with me for some time. Victoria and Tracy. Two african american women. The girls, superstar, and I got in our van and took some hot soup and a LOT of our extra coats. Nice coats, but how many does a person need, I mean really. So we got there, and shoeless mike was there along with people from various churches. Food, shelter, fire, clothing. First we walked around the neighborhood inviting people to come and share food and get clothes if they needed them. There were quite a few that came and went. But at the end, Victoria gave me a hug and said "God bless you." The smile on her face, and the bagfull of stuff she took with her was fun to see. Tracy was a bit more reserved, and may even have some type of affliction. But I invited her to eat, but she didn't want anything. As we stood there, she pointed out a striped shirt that was hanging that 'looked nice', so I said let's go look at it. I pulled it off the gazebo (see the picture), and she said 'oh yeah, that's nice. That would be great to have.' So I folded it up, put it in her bag, and she thanked me profusely. I didn't even do anything but serve the two ladies, and they smiled and giggled.

I even saw one of my students from school there with his parents-that was cool. I can't wait to talk to him on Monday. His dad was the one that brought the generator to keep the food warm. It was great to have the girls there to see what others have and don't have in the world. I can't wait to go again, and experience the kingdom in action like I did today.

Why is it that we don't do things like this everyday?


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