
So now you know the name of our church in NYC. COMMUNITAS-NYC. At first, it seemed like quite an odd name, as it probably does to you in reading it for the first time. Especially if you have never read Alan Hirsch's book pictured to the left. Even when I first read the chapter in the book, it kind of made sense to me, but I don't know if I've ever really experienced it. Maybe surface communitas, maybe small level communitas, maybe pseudo communitas. MAYBE.
We're only a couple of months into launch team status as the KKFT, but I can tell you that I have experienced more communitas in these two months than I ever have in my life. Sick Pete knows what I'm talking about, because I don't even know that mg or others can truly deep down feel the communitas. I'm not diminishing my life long friendships AT ALL. Our men's group has started to develop into something special. But communitas is defined (this is kind of T$'s take) as 'people that are together in a common mission of serving God together, sharing the same experiences, and going through some type of ordeal in the process of pursuing that mission.' I don't think anyone that has not yet made this leap of the bravest surrender can understand the implications. My house is for sale. The one I built with my dad and my family and my friends. The one Superstar and I drew on graph paper. The one I spent 16 hours a day on for 6 months or so. I'm going to take my girls from suburbia to the center of the capitalist world. I'm going to put my retirement plans on hold. I'm going to leave the proximity of my parents, superstar's parents, our dear friends and family to live 12 hours away from them.

The funny thing about this whole thing is that when I was on the plunge, I told God-you are can't do this......I'm not strong enough......I'm a sinner......NO! But He gave me a 'peace that transcends all understanding' sitting on the tarmac at Laguardia. I have not felt the no syndrome since. I think at the age of 38 years of age, I FINALLY GET IT.
I for the first time in my life understand the good news. I finally understand what God did in sending his son-for me. I finally feel like when I pray, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are focused on me. I always thought I was here and God was up there. I even told people I wished I knew how to tap into the power of the Holy Spirit. Funny thing is, all I ever had to do was accept the reality that Jesus died for me, and God has a better plan for my life than I do. That's the bravest surrender I know.

So back to communitas. I can't imagine my life in the future without it. Whether you are talking about the noun, or Communitas-NYC. After my experience in NYC, and the subsequent bible study, books I have been led to, people that I have experienced communitas with, my life will never be the same. I will never again succumb to the consumerist attitude I have been following Jesus with the last 12 years. I'm all in.


Anonymous said…
All IN!! Then you come up showing your Royal Straigh Flush. Because we all know WHO delt you your hand and HE is the One who called you into the game. So we know you will be the big winner. All in!! Follow the dealer and you just can't loose. By the way I am reading that book and so far can safely recomend it to anyone who will be willing to live a life for the LORD. TMP

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